Father-Daughter Relationships
Your relationship with your father can impact your future relationships, and we're here to help.
Your relationship with your father can impact your future relationships, and we're here to help.
If you’re a daughter working on your relationship with your father, you may want to pursue therapy individually, with your father, or as an entire family.
The best books about Father-Daughter relationships.
Join Patrick Teahan, LICSW for a Q&A about father-daughter relationships. Patrick answers member questions.
Use these prompts to reflect on the specific needs and wants you had as a child that were not met by your father.
Fatherhood abandonment can profoundly affect how you approach, form, and sustain romantic relationships in adulthood.
A step-by-step guide to help you initiate this conversation with your father effectively.
You may need to hear this: your father’s inability to choose you had nothing to do with you.
This checklist will help you identify if you can have a relationship with your father if he is hurting your mother (or his partner).
As we evolve and change as a society daughters are more empowered to question traditional norms and expectations.
You may want to speak to your mother about your complicated relationship with your father. Here are some suggestions.
Watching one parent hurt another physically or emotionally has an impact. It changes how you see each parent and how you see yourself.
Use this checklist to identify if you experienced fatherhood emotional abandonment.
Women are often blamed for issues they have developed as a result of their fathers leaving them physically and/or being emotionally unavailable.
You are not doomed to a life of struggle if you did not grow up in a home with a traditional “father.”
Use this script to make sure your approach is direct and helps keep you protected from further harm.
These journal prompts will help you explore and understand your relationship with your father.
A few reasons why as young girls age, they tend to become more distant from their fathers.
Dealing with boundary issues with your father can be emotionally draining.
When women struggle to form romantic attachments, we assume they lack a solid relationship with their father. It’s an old cliche, is there truth to it?